Trawl Fisheries
Then came the fishing fleets
History of fishing in the sub-antarctic - arrow squid trawl fishery established on Auckland Island and Snares shelf in 1970s (C n G 1998). Bycatch quickly became apparent and in 1982 a 12nm exclusion zone around the Auckland Islands was established (C n G 1998 cBaird 1996) 17-40 sea lions per year estimated 1988-95 (C n G 1998 cBaird 1996). Reported bycatch of 123 in one season (C n G 1998). Decline of 50% within 64 years modelled (C n G 1998 cDoonan & Cawthorn 1984). Catch limit of 63 sea lions set in 1993 (C n G 1998). The management strategy in 2016 may have an unsustainable goal as population target may be too low (Collins et al., 2016).
History of by-catch
Competition for food - Carrying capacity of the environment may have declined since anthropogenic pressure on prey but the sea lions flexibility of prey selection may help them (Collins et al., 2016).

Invermectin - Michael et al 2021
Invermectin -

Climate Change
Climate change
High pup mortality on Campbell Island potentially due to exposure Maloney et al. 2012