Our Team
We are very grateful to everyone who donates their time to support our mahi/work

I am passionate about conservation in New Zealand and I want to learn more about this amazing species. I’m originally from Australia but came here to study and never left! I have a BSc(Hons) in Ecology and I love being out doing fieldwork.
Shaun l Co-chair/ Science Adviser (Trustee)
Bryony | Co-chair (Trustee)
Meet our Team
I started my MSc in Marine Science at Otago University in 1994 by following Katya, the very first pup, around on Otago Peninsula. She got me hooked on sea lions and inspired me to help set up the NZ Sea Lion Trust in 2003 and I have been involved in some capacity ever since.

Originally from Tāmaki Makaurau, but now call Ōtepoti Dunedin home. I’m an ecology graduate from the University of Otago, currently working at the Department of Conservation and hold a keen interest for pakake as I think we’re so lucky to share our beaches with them! Looking forward to continuing the social media channels, and helping out with the trust in all avenues.

I became interested in pakake after a trip around the Catlins and Southland a couple of years ago. I’m going to be helping NZSLT with legal and compliance matters, and with spreading some sea lion love up in the North Island through education.
Hannah | Social Media (Trustee)
Chloe | Legal Advisor/ North Island Rep (Trustee)

I assist the kaupapa of NZSLT through my +15 years profession as a science educator, ecologist and wildlife manager. Aotearoa has a community engagement in conservation filled with passionate people – I am very honoured to work alongside them all, supporting the population health and survival of Pakake / New Zealand Sea Lion.

I have been fascinated with sea lions after coming face-to-face with a large male in the dunes at Allan’s Beach many years ago. Utilising my background in teaching and conservation I would like to assist the Trust in ensuring that sea lions retake their rightful place on the beaches of Aotearoa.
Hanna | Education Coordinator (Trustee)
Mike | Treasurer/ Education Team (Trustee)

I am a student at the University of Otago with one of my majors being Environmental Management. My main role is in the administration side of things so if you ever want to flick us an email you'll be hearing from me! I am also interested in helping the trust out in other ways i.e helping with events and advocacy. I am very passionate about conservation and sustainability with my involvement in the trust coinciding with these passions perfectly.
I have a background in community development and management of non-profit organisations, as well as a knowledge of the funding landscape in New Zealand. My passion for wildlife, conservation and community runs deep; it’s a privilege to work on behalf of our intelligent and charming New Zealand sea lions and contribute to what makes Dunedin so special.
Catherine | Administrator (Trustee)
Jordana | DOC Liasion

I have joined the trust because I am passionate about pinnipeds! I have a keen interest in their conservation and how we can share our shores with them. I have recently finished my master’s on human-leopard seal cohabitation and I hope to apply my skills to support human-pakake (NZ sea lion) relationships. First, I will work on building the sea lion trust website to serve as an amazing resource to develop people’s connection with pakake.

I grew up on the Otago Peninsula, surrounded by the beautiful beaches which are now frequented by the Pakake. I have had a lifelong interest in our natural environment and conservation issues. I feel honoured now to help the NZ Sea Lion Trust to look after our wonderful group of pup-sitting volunteers.
Giverny | Webmaster
Emiko | Volunteer Coordinator

I became interested in sea lions from a young age growing up around the southern Catlins coast encountering these creatures and in my later working career working as a nature guide in Fiordland Stewart Island and the Sub-Antarctic Islands.
Glenda | Education Team
Kaitlyn | Education Team
My passion for the environment and conservation led me to pursue an undergraduate degree in ecology and a diploma in wildlife management. Now, I am completing a master's in marine science. Before arriving in Dunedin, I had never seen a sea lion before, until an incredible encounter with a playful subadult male at Allans Beach. I was then extremely fortunate to see them down in the subantarctic islands through the heritage expeditions-true young explorer scholarship. When the opportunity arose to join the New Zealand Sea Lion Trust, I seized it without hesitation. My goal in joining is to combine my photography skills and ecological knowledge to contribute to their advocacy and conservation efforts.
Based in Southland, with homes in the South Catlins and Invercargill, I’m a writer with a background in journalism. I’ve been walking beaches and photographing sea mammals all my adult life – with a special interest in the NZ Sea Lions from my own backyard.

My research group and I have researched various aspects of the genetics, behaviour and management of the New Zealand sea lion over the last 20 years. I have also engaged in government processes and provided expert scientific advice and feedback on the management of NZ sea lion bycatch in the squid fishery (SQU6T) around the NZ sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands. My role is to provide scientific advice to the New Zealand Sea Lion Trust. Click here to see Bruce’s publications.

Amanda | Southland Representative
Bruce | Scientific Advisor
I have 30 years experience as a researcher and public servant analysing how humans and ecosystems interact. I am interested in understanding how the expansion of the mainland NZ Sea Lion population can be managed in an ecologically sustainable manner.

Stefan | Scientific Advisor
I have researched NZ sea lion population dynamics during my PhD at the University of Otago in 2012. My work included survival and reproduction of NZ sea lions around the NZ sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands and the impact of trawl fishing. I'm currently working as a quantitative ecologist on various national and international wildlife population projects. Further, I provide scientific advice to the NZ Sea Lion Trust.

Dave | Policy Advisor

Our Current Board

Our Past Members

John XXXX-2022
Treasurer (Trustee)
Sian 2022-2023
Education Team
Meet our Past Members
Colin Emslie XXXX-XXXX